Product description

Product model

Design & development

  • CMS8324x

    It is widely used in typical motor control fields such as fascia gun, square wave vacuum cleaner, electric shaver, and sweeping robot.

    The CMS8324x power tube drive circuit contains 3 NMOS and 3 PMOS power tube drive circuits. This integrated circuit can achieve fast turn-on and turn-off of NMOS and PMOS, and the delay, turn-on and turn-off time can reach within 500ns. Working temperature: -20°C to 80°C.


    > Low standby current

    > Power supply voltage range: 16V~30V

    > Fast switching speed: <500ns@Cload=1nF

    > Antistatic ability: 2KV (HBM)

    > Operating temperature range: -20℃ ~ +80℃

  • Product model

    Part Number Package Temp Voltage 输入逻辑 VCC 驱动功率管类型 死区时间(ns) 直通防止 输出通道 内置LDO
    CMS8324 QFN16 -20~+80 16~30 HIN/LIN - PN - - 6 -
    CMS8324 SOP16 -20~+80 16~30 HIN/LIN - PN - - 6 -

  • Design & development

#05-10, Connexis North
Singapore 138632

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